


"...ADI and repair performed simultaneously and advanced pipeline repair method applied made it possible to use material, equipment and human resources in the optimum manner and to the maximum effect which eventually allowed our company to save substantially."

04.08.2010 00:47/more...

"...All inspections were completed in due time and flawlessly from start to finish. During our cooperation the responsible persons from relevant OOO LUKOIL-KMN departments obtained in-depth technical and theoretical advice offline."

01.07.2009 22:40/more...

"...To our opinion Neftegazdiagnostika has all qualities of a modern engineering company: advanced diagnostics equipment, qualified personnel, integrated approach to services rendering, creative approach to problem solving, long term cooperation commitment, and use of advanced technologies."

14.10.2008 22:41/more...

"...Proficiency of onsite work performance and high quality reports submission are worth noting as well as NTC Neftegazdiagnostika personnel effectiveness and attentiveness..."

11.07.2007 00:46/more...

"...Given high efficiency of underground pipelines inspection using Acoustic Emission method the oil company management are considering the possibility of extending this method to Oil Company LUKoil corporate system with NTC NefteGazDiagnostika’s involvement."

06.10.2005 00:47/more...
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"Bumi Armada Caspian LLC is satisfied with NTC Neftegazdiagnostika LLC performance and services provided during installation of the repair clamps and expresses its gratitude for ability to solve challenging and technically complex issues promptly and at high quality standart."
"...The field works were performed within short timeframes and of the highest professional quality; preliminary reports on the diagnostics’ results were also issued in a timely manner."
"The inline inspection of sections of the oil pipeline, in-field flow lines performed by “NTC “Neftegazdiagnostika”, LLC was of the highest quality, even though the project was very difficult."
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Clients and partners
  • Petrodar
  • rosen
  • South Stream
  • Halliburton
  • Al Qahtani
  • Saudi Aramco
  • Kaztransoil
  • weatherford
  • melnik
  • Eni-saipem
  • rnc
  • Bumiarmada
  • Gubkin
  • Rosneft
  • Achimgaz
  • NordStream
  • PI
  • LUKoil
  • Gazprom
  • TDW
  • TPS
  • Asia Trans Gas