The Program involves technical diagnostics work package aimed at identifying Customer’s field pipelines technical condition, operating reliability and remaining life.
FP technical condition evaluation and remaining life assessment program was developed in line with requirements of STD referenced in Attachment I.
Main terms and definitions used in the Program are used per [1].
The program includes a flow chart developed for FP diagnostics performance, methods and scope of technical documentation review, visual inspection and non-destructive testing defined, a procedure for review of the obtained findings on key FP technical condition parameters, remaining life estimation, methods and scope of rejected segments repair (replacement) and on making decision about further FP operation. FP diagnostics flow chart is included in Attachment II.
For diagnostics a package of various methods shall be used ensuring with certain accuracy the possibility of identifying defects impacting operating safety and deviations influencing FP technical condition parameters. The methods and work scopes are described in Section 3.
When new improved inspection methods and instruments are introduced Section 3 may be subject to revisions and extensions.
The Program final objective is to make the decision about FP technical condition, possibilities and timelines of further operation based on the remaining life calculation.
FP technical diagnostics findings shall be provided in the reporting data which contents are referenced in Attachment III.
Objective: review FP design, materials used, review its operating conditions, identifying possibilities of operating defects appearance, their causes and pattern, detecting FP potentially hazardous segments (PHS) which damage development and defect rate may most likely result in FP life-limit failure.
Technical documentation shall be understood as a package of design, as-built technical, operations and repair documentation.
In process of technical documentation analysis the following data shall be reviewed: FP description, purpose, category, length, diameter and wall thickness, operating and process pressure, steel grade and GOST, coating type, commissioning year, operating fluid content and temperature, previous inspections results, inline inspection and ultrasonic thickness measurements data. Repair documentation shall be reviewed to obtain data about the scope and type of repairs and the repair causes (defects nature). Grade of material used for repair shall be clarified, its physical and mechanical properties, the possibility of similar defects appearance and development shall be evaluated. Subject to failures previously occurred at the facility under inspection relevant process documentation shall be reviewed with the attention to be paid to failure locations (kilometer points), their causes, failure modes, scope and type of repair and maintenance.
2.4. While reviewing operating conditions FP operating parameters compliance with passport data shall be checked, the possibility of different corrosion types, metal cracking, hydrogen absorption, intergranular corrosion and other damages caused by process fluid and environmental impact shall be evaluated. It shall also be identified if main process parameter values had been changed through the operating period including CP operating modes. If it is the case FP parameter values and duration of operation in unregulated conditions shall be specified.
The planned technical diagnostics work scope shall be specified in the task order for inline inspection submitted by Customer during the bid and agreed with Contractor.
The work scope of FP technical diagnostics is described in it. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Objective: obtain comprehensive information about actual POU and pipeline technical condition identifying defects and damages critical for the pipeline operability and their causes and development mechanisms.
The scope and methods of on-site inspection for FP diagnostics are listed in Table 1.
The program is developed based on RD 39-132-94 Field Pipelines Operation, Inspection, Repair and Rejection Guidelines.
Table 1
Work description
Work scope
Review of the pipeline laying and right-of-way condition conformance with STD requirementsд | Reviewing specifics of the pipeline laying situation and its equipment. Identifying unauthorized crossings, insufficiently buried and open areas (due to wash-outs, landslides, etc.) of the pipeline. | 100% pipeline length |
Surveying | Developing pipeline actual layout and profile in the scale of 1:2000 including GPS referencing of kilometer points, bends and vertical profile for certification and operational use for the purpose of patrolling, technical diagnostics and maintenance. | - «» - |
Pipeline electrocorrosion inspection | Searching pipeline segments exposed to electrocorrosion due to earth current and other factors impact. Identifying the level of parallel and crossed underground and above ground utilities impact on the pipeline under inspection. Measuring actual coating contact resistance and non-destructive testing of parent metal and welds in the pipeline potentially hazardous areas trenches. Identifying protective casings where pipeline is laid in under road and railway crossings availability and compliance with STD requirements. Checking the pipeline physical and/or ohmic contact with protective casings and pipeline integrity in the casings. Identifying CP system efficiency and monitoring operating parameters. |
- «» - |
Block valves and their maintenance sites condition check | Checking compliance of fencing and block and other valves maintenance sites with STD requirements. Identifying block and other valve types and technical condition. Checking block valves and flanges integrity. Identifying technical condition of block valves coating and/or painting. |
100% pipeline valves | |
Pipeline technical diagnostics in trenches and at open areas |
Identifying the pipeline potentially hazardous segments. Measuring metal hardness.
Note. For fresh and salt water lines diagnostics water distribution points (WDP) are also subject to technical diagnostics. |
At least 2 trenches (control sections) per 1 linear meter of the pipeline |
Objective: identify FP current technical condition, evaluating statistics data on certain defect types density and their allocation along the pipeline length, identifying maximum allowable operating pressure to avoid incidents related to product leaks, identifying defects parameters for Customer to further develop FP repair and operating parameters recovery program.
Defects and technical condition parameters shall be analyzed based on the data recorded in process of field (on-site) works and technical documentation review. The analysis includes the following steps:
Objective: identify actual pipe metal mechanical properties following check measurements of hardness.
To identify metal mechanical properties of pipe strength class up to K90 a portable hardness tester is used allowing to measure hardness in one of the following ranges:
The procedure and work sequence for pipe metal mechanical properties identification is specified [29];
The results of hardness testing and pipe metal mechanical properties identification shall be issued in a report.
Objective: identify anticipated FP safe operation life at preset (or set) parameters of its major elements operation and required reliability level.
For FP segment to be evaluated operating load critical parameters shall be selected and actual parameters of pipe material and welds physical and mechanical properties shall be identified.
FP remaining life calculation includes the following main phases:
After the pipeline technical diagnostics completion reporting data shall be provided per Attachment III.
List of main standards and technical documents used for the program development:
1. RD 39-132-94. Field Pipelines Operation, Inspection, Repair and Rejection Guidelines (approved by RF Mintopenergo on 30.12.1993; endorsed by RF GGTN on 27.12.1995 ).
2. RD 153-39.4-067-00. Operating Oil Pipeline Defective Segments Repair Methods (approved by OAO AK Transneft on 30.12.2000; endorsed by RF GGTN on 22.12.2000).
3. RD 09-102-95. Remaining Life Evaluation Guidelines for Potentially Hazardous Facilities controlled by Russian Gosgortekhnadzor, approved by RF GGTN on 17.11.1995.
4. PB 03-246-98 Industrial Safety Expert Review Code.
5. RD 03-484-02 Regulation on Hardware, Equipment and Structures Safe Operation Life Extension Procedure for Hazardous Industrial Facilities.
6. RD 03-298-99 RUSSIAN GOSGORTEKHNADZOR Regulation on Industrial Safety Expert Review Conclusions Approval Procedure.
7. Oil and Gas Industry Safety Rules, approved by RF GGTN.
8. Steel Piping Remaining Life Probabilistic Assessment Procedure, NTP Truboprovod, endorsed by RF GGTN on 11.01.1996.
9. Piping Remaining Life Evaluation Procedure, VNIKTI Neftekhimoborudovanye (approved by RF Mintopenergo on 17.07.1996, endorsed by RF GGTN on 24.07.1996).
10. VSN 012-88. Main and Field Pipeline Construction. Quality Control and Work Acceptance (part 1).
11. VSN-006-89. Main and Field Pipeline Construction. Welding.
12. GOST 14782-86. Non-destructive Testing. Welds. Ultrasonic Methods.
13. RD 34. 10. 130-96. Visual and Dimension Inspection Manual (approved by RF Mintopenergo on 15.08.1996).
14. GOST 28702-90. Non-destructive Testing. Ultrasonic Contact Thickness Gauges.
15. OST 3675-83. Inspection 3675-83. Non-destructive Testing. Pipeline Welds. Ultrasonic Testing.
16. GOST 20415-82. Non-destructive Testing. Acoustic Methods. General.
17. GOST 22761-77. Metals and Alloys. Brinell Hardness Measurement Method using Portable Static Hardness Testers.
18. GOST 27-002-89. Industrial Product Dependability. Fundamentals. Terms and Definitions.
19. GOST Р 51164-98. Steel Trunk Pipelines. General Corrosion Protection Requirements.
20. GOST 9. 602-89. Underground Structures. General Corrosion Protection Requirements.
21. Procedure for Pipeline Condition Evaluation using Metal Magnetic Memory. NPO Energodiagnostika. M, 1996.
22. RD 51-4.2-003-97. Main Gas Lines Structural Reliability Calculation Guidelines, IRTs Gazprom.
23. RTM 38 001-94 Piping Calculation Guidelines. VNIKTI Neftekhimoborudovanye. – Volgograd, 1994.
24. Main Gas Lines Stress Condition Monitoring Recommendations, VNIIGAZ, 1989.
25. Guidelines for corrosion diagnostics and underground pipelines comprehensive corrosion protection, GGK Gazprom, PO Soyuzorgenergogaz, 1989.
26. Standard Procedure for Underground Coated Gas Pipelines CP Electrometryic Inspection. VNIPI Transgaz, 1980.
27. Recommendations on Steel Structures Potential Measurement Methods, Resistive Component Excluded. VNIIST, 1981.
28. RDI 38.18.016-94. Process Equipment Welds Ultrasonic Testing Instruction. VNIKTI Neftekhimoborudovanye. – Volgograd, 1994.
29. М-11-03-98. Pipeline and Pipe Metal Mechanical Properties Identification Procedure using a Portable Hardness Tester, ITs Resursdiagnostika.
30. SNiP 2. 05. 06. -85. Trunk Pipelines.
31. SNiP III-42-80 Part III. Work Execution and Acceptance Rules. Chapter 42. Trunk Pipelines.
32. SP 34-101-98. Pipe Selection for Trunk Oil Pipelines Construction and Overhaul.
33. VRD 39-1.10-006-2000. Main Gas Lines Operating Rules.
Pipeline technical diagnostics flow chart:
Contents of the completed pipeline technical diagnostics reporting data.
The completed pipeline technical diagnostics reporting data include:
Conclusion about the technical condition is the diagnostics final document, it should include general finding, findings on the requirement to reduce operating pressure to a recommended level for the repair and maintenance works duration or lack of such requirement, recommendations on the repair methods and timelines, recommendations on the inspection types and frequency.
The conclusion is developed based on the pipeline passport data and reports of NDT types performed on site; calculation results.
List of parameters influencing the pipeline technical condition:
Main parameters:
Additional parameters:
27.03.2016 - 05.04.2016 Viktor Leshchenko, Director General “NTC “Neftegazdiagnostika” LLC, visited Calcutta (India) to participate ...
A sole agency agreement was signed between NTC NEFTEGAZDIAGNOSTIKA LLC and Abdel Hadi Abdullah Al-Qahtani & Sons Company
On September 12, the laboratory VNIPI "VZRYVGEOFIZIKA" conducted New website launched! Inline inspection of main gas line Nord Stream pipeline 1-East, Dn 1220×34.6/41 mm, 1224.4 km long Inline inspection of main gas line Nord Stream pipeline 2-East, Dn 1220х34.6/41 mm, 1224.4 km long Segment 1, gas pipeline Ø 1220 mm. OPF – BS-2, 295 km long. Segment 2, gas pipeline Ø 1220 mm. BS-2 – OET, 328 km long. Inline inspection of the offshore oil pipeline "OIFP D-6 – oil gathering facility "Romanovo", Dn 273x18, 51.812 km long. Integrated diagnostics of sub-sea oil pipeline "OIFP – SPM, oil field n.a. Yu. Korchagin" started. Installation and dismantling of temporary pig launchers/receivers Pipeline cleaning, gauging, geometry inspection, magnetic pig inspection Subsea external inspection using ROVs Cleaning of the offshore oil pipeline "OIFP – SPM, oil field n.a. Yu. Korchagin", Dn 325×16.